D***** wrote:
Dear FB,
Just to let you know I read the article
Money and Madness and it was very good and true. I e-mailed Kelly Patricia
O’Meara about our story and how the school was behind us medicating our
child and how our daughter would still be alive if we would have followed
our hearts and not the advice of others. Maybe she will have some intrest
and can help us get our message out there to others so they do not make
the same mistake we made. Thanks for all your help you have been very kind.
I only wish I would have known all of this before my precious daughter died.
V**** D*****
—– Original Message —–
Fred Baughman Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: desipramine death
see 6/3/02 article “Money and Madness“
in, also on my website (
I am now getting to know a prominent attorney newly at work in this area,
A*** M*******.
I am at sea trying to understand what attorneys can achieve and
what they cannot. best wishes, FB
D***** wrote:
We are in the final stage of filing,
the demand is being processed and then the physician will be notified.
Do you feel we have a case against the school system for anything they
did wrong? I do not want to place blame where blame shouldn’t be but
it’s our daughter’s life were talking about. The more I have researched
the medicine the madder we get because our daughter was not handled
properly from day one. We will keep in touch and let you know if anything
any different comes up. We are determined to see this case the full
extent we will not settle out of court. The physician managed our daughter
wrongly and he has to be handle accordingly and it will be eventually
opened to the public because what happened to us will not be kept quiet.
Thank you for your intrest and if you think of anything that can be
of help please let us know. Thanks again for all your help.
—– Original Message —–
Fred Baughman Jr.
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: desipramine death
how is your legal case proceeding? I know a lawyer, an impressive
one who will take such cases on contingent basis. FB
D***** wrote:
Dear Mr. Baughman Jr,
S***** was a very spontaneous
little girl, for the most part she would react then think about
it. The problems first started in kindergarten with the teachers.
They would complain that S***** could not sit for the length of
time required, she needed redirected more than she should have,
she was not able to focus, and she worried more about other peoples
business than her own. We refused to do anything other than work
with her at home and reinforce what she was to do at school. When
S***** went to first grade we had alot more problems only because
she had a teacher that she had conflicts from day one with. I truly
agree they had her labeled because of kindergarten. The teacher
did not have the patience to deal with S*****. She would cry every
day and did not want to go to school, when she would get to school
she would say she had a stomach ache so she could go to the nurse.
Then I found out the teacher was miss treating her, isolating her,
and putting her on spectacle by teasing her. The last day she went
to 1st grade was the day the teacher dumped out her desk all over the
floor because he said it was messy then made her pick it all up.
The children laughed at S***** and the teacher took her out in the
hall and yelled at her because she cried. We refused to let her
go back to school we home schooled her for the remainder of the
year. Several times we requested to have S*****’s teacher changed
because there were four first grade teacher, and they said they
couldn’t change because the classes were already to large. We decided
to send her back when it came time for second grade because S*****
needed to be with children her own age and she seemed at first to
adjust well she seemed happy with her new teacher. The problem of
not wanting to go to school wasn’t as bad, The teacher seemed to
have more patience and understanding. Then about a month into school
the teacher complained S***** wondered around when she would become
tired or bored. She worried about other peoples business, couldn’t
sit still long enough, needed redirected several times. We finally
found out in a round about way that the teacher became less patient
and began putting S***** and her desk out in the hall by herself.
When we found out about what was going on we were furious and put
a stop to it. The teacher suggested we having her tested for ADHD
and learning disabilities. We put in writing to the school in September
to have her evaluated and the school said they would. They gave
us 3 different dates that S***** would be evaluated and they never
did them, it was in February that I finally contacted the school
psychologist to find out what the problem was and requested that
I knew the time of days required to have her tested were up and
they did her testing the very next day. It was a shame that I had
to threaten them with legal tactics just to get their job done.
Finally at the end of second grade they evaluated S***** and said
she tested for mild retardation and mild ADHD symptoms and suggested
we see a psychiatrist for treatment. We agreed to see someone and
she if we could get her the help so she could adjust better in school
and fit in with the other children. We did not have problems with
our daughter at home all we wanted her to do is fit in with the
other kids so she did feel different the way they made her feel.
They made fun of her because she was always getting into trouble.
When we went to she the psychiatrist for the first time he seemed
wonderful, concerned, and caring. He reviewed her reports from school,
talked with me about home life. We discussed family, school, medical
problems, surgeries, and suggested she had signs of ADHD and put
her on Wellbutrin. He never did a medical assessment of her, listened
to her heart rate, pulse, respiration’s, did absolutely nothing
just prescribed medication. I look back now and I could just scream.
Why didn’t I request him to assess her better before diagnosing
her. He did nothing but draw his conclusion to what was being said
he did nothing to follow up his own findings. A big part of this
I hold myself responsible for why did I listen to everyone else.
Why didn’t I just follow my heart. I am mad and angry because she
died for absolutely no reason and I can’t reverse what has happened.
How do I ever find peace. I struggle every day because I trusted,
believed, and listened to everyone else. You see why I am so determined
to do something. This is not a fairy tale it’s a real life situation
where a innocent precious 10 year old child lost her life, and a
big part of her families life died when S***** died. When will people
wake up and see life for what it truely is. We want our story told,
we want people to know what could happen to their children. It’s
not about publicity, it’s not about money, it’s about a family that
had there world destroyed in a blink of an eye and no matter what the
consequences are we will never be whole again. Our broken hearts
will never mend, our sunshine will never shine again. We lost something
that was so precious to us all. S***** was a very special little
girl, loved by all. After S***** was put in learning support she
did a total turn around, her grades improved, her attention span
was good, she learned to read well, she still was behind her grade
level but she was doing well. From time to time she would revert
back to being less attentive, would get aggitated easily and the
school would notify us and we would notify the physician that is
why the increase dosages of medication. He excuse was always she
was metabolizing the medication quicker and he would have to increase
it to help her. Up until the week of February 11th-19 th she did
fine with the increases. At school and also at home she became aggitated
easily, seemed to be arguementative, and refused to do her work
(this was very out of the ordinary for S*****). She had a appointment
with the doctor on Monday February 19th, I brought to his attention
school problems, weight gain (with no increase in appetite to explain
gain), low urinary out put and he stated that he was going to increase
her medication from 200mg to 250 mg because she could take up to
300mg of desipramine. He stated that signs of low urinary out put
weight gain were not signs of side effects with desipramine use
and that he felt I was just being overly protective. He stated that
if she was retaining fluid and not voiding she would complain that
it hurt inwhich she did not complain, but with S*****’s history
of repeated UTI’s and kidney reflex it was a concern to me. He documented
my concerns but did absoluelty nothing about it but increase her
medication. Thr physician got out his PDR book and stated she could
take up to 300mg safely with no complications. Six days later our
daughter is dead. What’s so justified about this. What was he basing
his conclusions on, when come to find our it is not even FDA approved
to be used in children. A toxic level for an adult is 500 our daughters
level’s at time of death were 565.5 how did they get to the level
they were if she was metabolizing the medication. Point blank we
know now she was not metabolizing the medication and if he would
have just listened to the signs I presented to him. I can’t be guarented
that S***** would not have had some kind of permenant damage because
of the medication but if she would have been taken off the medication
her chances of survival would have been better. I go through every
day thinking what if and some days I feel like I’m going crazy.
I hope this has been some what helpful to you.
—– Original Message —–
Fred Baughman Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: desipramine death
see below in [..]
D***** wrote:
Dear Mr. Baughman,
Thank you very much for the information you sent. We are so
determined to do what ever we can. We will forward the information
to our attorney. We have a very good attorney and alot of good
people on our side willing to help us. We will keep in touch
with you and if you feel there is something of importance that
will help us please let us know. We are starting to move along
with a malpractice case then eventually go the next step to
make sure this doesn’t keep happening. We ask every day why
us all we wanted to do is live a normal life like everyone else
but for some reason god choose us for this mission we just wish
we didn’t have to lose our daughter to do some thing. Our baby
girl didn’t have to die, it’s all so senseless. Our state Senator
was forwarding the information we sent to Washington D.C. to
look into. Do you know of the important people to contact to
make sure our daughter’s death is a known statistic. Something
that is confusing to us is why are professional people in the
medical field not responsible to discuss the side effects related
to a medication. That is unreal and should not be legal. We
had no reason to disbelieve or not trust what our physician
was recommending, point blank we trusted him. Why would a pharmacist
not discuss the danger with you if it is not FDA approved for
the age given, and when the dosages are continually increased.
Our daughter had been getting her prescriptions filled at the same
pharmacy since she was an infant, they were very aware of her kidney
reflex and medical problems and surgeries, when desipramine
was prescribed and increased and refilled but was never discussed
and the counterindications not to take the medicine is urine
retention or kidney problems. Why did it slip threw so many
hands? Do people truly not care? We know life is always in the
fast lane but someone has to care. Thank you for taking the
time to listen and respond, you have been a big help so far
because you do give us hope that some people still do care.
[please write to me with
all you recall about the diagnosis,what she was said to have,
if a disease, a chem imbalance, do not let me put words in
your mouth--just write about this--fb.
Sincerely yours,
V**** & S**** D*****
----- Original Message -----
Fred Baughman Jr.
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: desipramine death
this can only be overturned by strategic legal wins. In this
regard I am expert in such a case (med malpractice) in cincinnati,
just under way. I am also in touch with attorneys in UK,
US, Australia, launching class action suits this year. Be
in touch. Join the fight... I will gladly work with you your
attorney and know attorneys who will cooperate, to assure
that we end this abomination. for now fb
D***** wrote:
Dear Mr. Baughman,
We received your e-mail and was greatly appreciated that
you took the time to respond. We are just devastated by
our daughter's death. We have hired an attorney to represent
us and will eventually be moving forward. Why can school's
get away with saying children have signs of ADHD/ADD if
there is no such diagnosis? [within a wk or two I will finish
a lengthy essay on the conspiracy to drug all children with
psychiatry, big pharma and the US government the conspirators.
You only have a prayer in any legal action if you understand
all of it and I only know 5 or 6 attorneys who do. We can
speak of this] It does not make any since to us. Our main
concern is to put a stop to this use of medication desipramine
[the wholly fraudulent diagnoses--none disease, are the
lynch pin, the medicines are innumberable, all foreign substances,
all dangerous.] . If not FDA approved for use in children
then why do physician’s take the risk of using it. We were
never told the true side effects related to desipramine
or never told it was not FDA approved. In researching the
medication a toxic level for an adult is 300mg and when
on such a high dose they should be observed in a hospital
setting. Why would anyone have a 10 year old child at the
weight of 53lbs on a dosage of 250mg daily? These are questions
we are having a hard time with. Why is it not required that
physicians and pharmasists discuss the true side effects,
they discuss minor not major? Do we as parents have no rights
until they have been violated? [exactly, they get away with
all they can, all they can defwend in courrt] We know we
can not save our daughter and we live a lonely, empty life
now that she is gone. Let me tell you alittle about this
precious 10 year old child. S***** was a gift from god that
we cherished, we revolved our life around her, she danced
jazz, tap, ballet for 7 years, she played piano, she played
girl’s softball, she twirled rifle in a marching group,
she was a member of girl scouts and we were proud and right
beside her side for everything. You see why we are so determined
to fight for the cause of our daughter. Our big question is
Why did S***** have to die? [as you will see, for profit
alone, for shareholder, no other reason] Absolutely no
reason. Can you please help us in any way so no other child
dies. If the things going on in the world are not right,
when is it enough, and when does it stop? We are determined
to get the answers and to try to change somethings but we
know it is a long hard fight and an expensive fight and
we are willing to take the risks involved. We only wish
someone would have tried to help us before we lost our precious
child. Thank you very much for your response you at least
gave us hope that people still do care.
V**** & S**** D*****