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McCracken, James wrote:

Please remove my name from your group mailing list. Thank you.

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
Dr. McCracken, it is my understanding that you head the UCLA Preschool
ADHD treatment study.
In a message from Dan Page, media relations officer (310-794-2265), UCLA
Health Sciences Communications, entitled "UCLA Begins Recruiting
Families for First study of Ritalin's Effect on Preschoolers with ADHD",
3/30/01, it is stated: "The brains of individuals with ADHD typically
lack the chemical activity needed to focus on activities or control
actions." Does this mean that only preschoolers who are shown by some
chemical assay to have a "lack" of , or abnormallly low "chemical
activity" in the brain, are recruited for this study and given Ritalin.
Why the use of the proprietary name Ritalin? Is Ritalin to be used to
the exclusion of other forms of methylphenidate; other stimulants.
Which brain chemical is it that is diminished or lacking? Please cite
the article from the medical literature describing this finding, the
finding which, at long last would make a bona fide disease of ADHD.
Please cite the assay technique that diagnoses this lack or diminution.
Was this 3/30/01 communique a joint UCLA-NIMH communique? Without
demonstration of a physical or chemical abnormality such would be
subjects are NORMAL and it would be illegal to give them Schedule II,
controlled substances, such as Ritalin. I look forward to hearing from
you. I will remove your name from my address book when I have heard
from you. Sincerely, Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD 1/21/02

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