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Comments, reply of Fred A. Baughman Jr. MD, Fellow, American Academy of

C******** S****** wrote:

I have not read many of your articles in depth, but from comments
picked up on this website I
find it asounding that you would negate the existence of ADHD/ADD as a valid

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
The first question all physicians are duty-bound to answer
for each and every patient coming through their door is (1) are the
physically/medically normal (disease-free) or abnormal (diseased)? If
normal they need no medical treatment and none can be justified and are
discharged or referred for non-medical treatment, elsewhere. If it is
determined they are abnormal/diseased, then (and only then) it is asked: (2)
which disease.]

It may not be classified as a "disease" any more than depression is a
"disease" but nevertheless it
is a disorder, and a valid one at that.  You cannot apply the medical model
to mental health issues.

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
But this is exactly what all in psychiatry and all in medicine who
poractice mental health do today--say to patients and the public that all
things "mental" are brain abnormalities/diseases. This is the fundamental
lie that make "patients" of normals and is the claimed justification for
drug treatments that invariably follow.]

There is no blood test for depression,
schizophrenia, etc. either , but that is not to say these diagnoses are

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
You are right, the diagnoses would not be fraudulent if they were
not claimed to be physical/organic abnormalities/diseases of the brain as
psychiatry invariably claims. (See correspondence I append with the
American Academy of Neurology via its publication Neurology Today. ]

How do you explain findings on SPECT scans and PET scans that point to these

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
they show functional not structural changes in normals. No such
study has proved, can prove that any psychiatric diagnosis (neurological
diagnoses aside) is an actual disease/abnormality]

Perhaps the real fraud in this situation is you,
yourself.  I'm certain you are paid well to represent your position at
conferences, etc. of like minds. I agree that not every incidence of
impulsive behavior should be labelled ADHD, yet
the diagnosis is valid, and I cannot understand an educated, medical mind
with specialized training in neurology asserting that ADHD is a fraud.
You're taking us back to the dark ages when progress is so essential in
getting affected
individuals the help they need to succeed and be productive members of

Why are you doing this?

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
Read my web site in detail and you will see that it is the claims
that psychiatric diagnoses are diseases/abnormalities from within organized
psychiatry, neurology and medicine--not my claims that they are not--are the
fraud. This means that those who are thus diagnosed, said to have "chemical
imbalances" of the brain are NORMAL. This means that the "chemical
balancers" they are invariably prescribed have no abnormality to make
normal; have no scientific basis, no Hippocratic/medical
justification...rather, when foreign chemical compounds are knowingly given
to normals under the guise of "treatment" what we have is not mis-directed,
medical misadventure, but POISONING. All physicians who knowingly portray
the normal/disease-free individual as abnormal/diseased, for purposes of
justifying "treatment" for profit, are in fact POISONING that individual.
The public and you among them have been betrayes/decieved by psychiatry and
all in medicin e who practice "mental health". It all revert to diagnosis.
Pin the diagnosing doctor down; insist upon an answer to the question: (1)
do I have an abnormality/disease, yes or no? Objective evidence? (2) If yes,
which one? Objective evidence? Now, my letter to the American Academy of
Neurology: ]

Editor-in-Chief, Lewis P. Rowland, MD              6/26/02

Neurology Today
American Academy of Neurology
1080 Montreal Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55116-2311

 Re: "Imaging for psychiatric disorders is done mainly for research, not
clinical purposes"-- Daniel R Weinberger, MD, Chief of the Clinical Brain
Disorders Branch , NIMH.

To the Editor,

In Neuroimaging Advances Offer New Data on Stroke Detection and the Genetics
of Mental Illness (by Gail McBride, Neurology Today, June, 2002, p 26-28)
Daniel R Weinberger, MD, Chief of the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch of the
National Institute of Mental Health, stated: "At this time, the only
clinical reason to do a neuroimaging study in psychiatry is to rule out a
neurological disease masquerading as a psychiatric illness."  "Dr.
Weinberger explained that neuroimaging in the form of MRI, fMRI, and PET has
demonstrated that most major psychiatric disease-depressive disorders and
schizophrenia, for example-are associated with "subtle but objectively
characterizable changes" in brain structure and function.  "These changes do
not establish the diagnosis but do demonstrate the involvement of the brain
in these disorders," he said.

Dr. Weinberger must submit for publication in Neurology Today, references to
the proof that "neuroimaging in the form of MRI, fMRI, and PET has
demonstrated that most major psychiatric disease-depressive disorders and
schizophrenia, for example-are associated with "subtle but objectively
characterizable changes" in brain structure and function."  If he is unable
to present proof of the "subtle but objectively characterizable changes" in
these psychiatric conditions, the editors of should say so and print a


Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD


So far (5/9/03) no proofs to support Dr. Weinberger's claims have been
published and there has been no retraction published by the authors of
Neurology Today, a publication of the American Academy of Neurology, of
which I am a Fellow.  This is not the only evidence that the AAN is in
collusion with the APA and  the pharmaceutical industry in dissemination of
the LIE that psychiatric diagnoses/ "disorders"/ "diseases" are actual
diseases of the brain.  The AAN and the Child Neurology Society (most of
whose members are members of the AAN) and the American Academy of Family
Practice have all been involved in the formulation and dissemination of the
American Academy of Pediatric's Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
of ADHD, which speak of ADHD as a  "neurobehavioral disorder," leaving no
doubt that they were referring to it as a brain disease, while having no
medical/scientific proof to support such a claim/designation, which was to
be circulated to practitioners and the public everywhere.  At this time I
will write direct to Dr. Weinberg asking for the proof "that most major
psychiatric disease-depressive disorders and schizophrenia, for example-are
associated with "subtle but objectively characterizable changes" in brain
structure and function.  "These changes do not establish the diagnosis but
do demonstrate the involvement of the brain in these disorders," he said.

You should write him too and all in organized psychiatry and neurology and
ask them for such proof.  They are the ones claiming they have the proof
patient-byu-patient.  It is they who bear the burden of proving such things
before they begin drugging infant, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults
and elders never, in fact, proved to be other than normal.   THE FIRST
ESPECIALLY FOR THE BRAIN. Do write to these folks too and to the APA, AAP,
AAFP, CNS, and AACAP, and let me know if a single one provides you proof
that a single psychiatric diagnosis is an actual disease as they all claim
to make "patients" of noirmals.

Of special interest, the American Academy of Neurology, of which I have been
a Fellow, since more ethical times, recently published a brochure entitled:
"What is as NEUROLOGIST"  It states: "Protecting and treating the brain and
nervous system is the essence of neurologist's work."  In being a party to
the deception by which psychiatric patients are said to have
diseases/abnormalities of the brain for purposes--virtually without
exception--of drugging them...normal indivioduals--all, is a betrayal of
this oath and of every such patient.  It seems clear to me that my
specialty--Neurology--whose duty it is to determine when neurological
disease is present and when, not, has taken upon itself a key role in the
deception of patients and the public as to the true, non-physical,
non-medical, non-biological, non-neurological basis of psychiatric
conditions.  They have fundamentally deserted, like all who do this for
profit, their ethics and their duty which is, first and foremost, to their

Sincerely, Fred A.Baughman Jr., MD

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