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melinda reitman wrote:

As a Certified Family Life Educator through the National council on
Family Relations I appreciate beyond telling your courage in exposing ADD
and ADHD as medical fraud.  The large numbers of out of control children are
a result of attachment breaks caused by seperation from mothers returning to
work as early as 6 weeks after giving birth.  The research on attachment and
bonding has been around for more than 50 years.  Clearly parents need
improved behavior management skills in dealing with their children, a solid
understanding of the difference between punishment and discipline.  Medical
providers as well as insurance companies must require parents to get better
informed as to how to be effective parents.  Please ask more of parents than
simply to take their children off drugs.  Anything I can do to assist you
would be my pleasure! My husband is a pharmacist and tells anyone who will
listen exactly what you are saying!  Our Email address is

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
Melinda, thanks so very much for writing. You are right, for an abundance
of reasons, not least of them propagation of the "biological model" of all
human behavior, we have a generation, more likely two, that lack fundamental
parenting skills, and will never develop them, thanks to the tyranny of all
of the mental health professions who insist the parents are not capable and
must hand the children over--all of it dollar seeking, just as has happened
since the 1970's in all of medicine.

I feel confident that all of my colleague at ASPIRE would welcome your
counsel on advising parents beyond telling them of the fraud of psychiatric
"diseases" and that they must stop the poisons.

Sincerely, Fred Baughman, MD

P.S. Once convinced of the fraud of the biological model, most can begin
believing in their own common sense and loving, nurturing, inclinations.
That some can use other advice I readily admit. The problem, just as in
medicine--where to find someone who does'nt believe in, practice, ADD/ADHD,
is where to find an ethical therapist, one who will not do more damage than

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