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Paul Verheecke wrote:

  Title: Adult attention deficit disorder. Brain mechanisms and life 
  outcomes. Refutes all nonsense that splashes around on your website.
  24 chapters, 409 pages. Published in June 2001.
  Paul Verheecke, MD

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD wrote:
what does it say? is there proof of something therein? FB]

  Paul Verheecke wrote:
  Read volume 931 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ?

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD wrote:
Dear Dr. Verheecke, you did not answer my question "is there proof of
something therein? It matters little which journal and less, still the
number of pages or chapters. My web site, which you dismiss, does
little other than specify that despite 20 years of ADD/ADHD, and 6
million labeled and drugged, there is no proof that those "treated" were
other than normal until the drugs were ingested. Any number of esteemed
medical organizations and journals have joined in in the fraud of seeing
that ADD/ADHD is represented to patients and the public as a disease,
assuring they will be made into "patients" who can be prescribed and
billed for, assuring, as throughout "biological" psychiatry, that there
will be no such thing as informed consent.

Please respond again, but this time be specific and stick to the issue.

Sincerely, Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD]

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