About This Video

ADHD: A Total 100% Fraud (VHS) runs 56 minutes. It is comprised of footage from the National Institutes of Health, Consensus Conference on ADHD, November 16-18, 1998. Dr. Fred Baughman provides narration and commentary. Dr. Baughman was a participant in the conference, charging, openly, and without rebuttal, that ADHD is “a total, 100% fraud.”

Customer Comments 

A grand-mother, Ft. Collins, Colorado:

Dear Dr. Baughman, You were there when our family needed you…our daughter-in-law was told by her son’s first-grade teacher that he was ADHD and needed Ritalin. The child’s pediatrician said there was nothing wrong with him. I had heard you speak on Dr. Norm Resnick’s radio show. I wrote to him for help, and he sent me…information which you had provided. I now listen to you on Jill Harrison’s show. This year our seven year-old grandson is being home-schooled. I would like to order your video…I am working with a local reporter for the Ft. Collins Forum. She hopes to write an article about home-schooling, ADHD and the Ritalin fraud.

Sondra Link.

Jon Westling, President, Boston University:

“If I had it my way, I would require every member of the United States Department of Education to watch it.”



Sidney Ledson, author of the books Raising Brighter Children and Teach Your Child to Read in Just Ten Minutes a Day, and founder and director of the Sidney Ledson School, Petersborough, Ontario, Canada:

“Dr. Fred Baughman’s video presentation ‘ADHD: A Total 100% Fraud’ is a powerful indictment of the medical malpractice in drugging children with Ritalin; popularly administered with no concern for its life-long damaging effects. Possibly the most chilling moment in this compelling documentary occurs when a mother—almost triumphantly – announces that her own two children are under drug control. One wonders what early parenting errors and oversights secured their eventual candidacy for chemical correction.”