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[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
Eddie, you better believe it! And all of psychiatric and medical academia
and the media are bought out. Time and Newsweek both look like brochures
from pharma, how can they ever write the science. They cannot and they do
not. But keep your eyes on Support Coalition International hunger strikers
in Pasadena, who are now forcing the American Psychiatric Association to
answer the question: "Are schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD ADHD and other
psychiatric conditions actual brain diseases, yes or no? and cite, reference
specific articles in the scientific literature." FB]

Dr. Baughman,

I don't dismiss your claims, a priori, that ADHD is not really a disease.
However, why is it that there is virtually no public debate on the topic?
Do the pharmaceutical companies really exert such an overwhelming influence?

I look forward to hearing from you.

E**** E******

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