IT IS TIME TO BE CLEAR: PSYCHIATRY IS NEITHER NEUROLOGICAL NOR BIOLOGICAL by Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Fellow American Academy of Neurology June 19, 2001 What is Leon Eisenberg's ["Is it Time to Integrate Neurology and Psychiatry," Neurology Today, May, 2002, p. 4] suggestion that neurology and psychiatry integrate, doing in a publication of the American Academy of Neurology? Eisenberg, a psychiatrist, writes: " Psychiatry has changed from brain-averse to brain-responsive." What is that supposed to mean? He continues: "In the first edition of the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (1952), affective disorders and schizophrenia were classified as psychotic disorders 'of psychogenic origin without clearly defined structural change of the brain.' The second edition of the manual in 1968 continued to distinguish both affective disorders and schizophrenia 'from organic brain syndromes.' The fourth edition in 1994 disavowed the term organic brain disorder 'because it implies that 'non-organic' mental disorders do not have a biological basis.'" Saying this, like the authors of the DSM-IV themselves, Eisenberg offer no example of a psychiatric diagnose /condition that has been validated as bona fide disease by virtue of the discovery of an objective abnormality. He continues: "Today, most psychiatrists believe that schizophrenia is a brain disorder; neurologists, never doubted it." Is this statement supposed to carry some scientific weight? Who is he to say what neurologists believe or doubt. And what does that matter anyway. All that matters is whether or not an objective abnormality exists in schizophrenia, during life, or, at autopsy, at death. There is no such proof in the medical science literature. Eisenberg continues: "Imaging studies regularly reveal striking correlations between mental events and brain activity, whether those events are cognitive, affective, or pathological. Whether the brain changes are caused by the mental activity or cause that activity remains uncertain, but it is indisputable that there is no mind without brain." Also "Those who deal with structural abnormalities and those who deal with behavioral abnormalities are coming closer together." There has been a burgeoning neuro-biological vocabulary within psychiatry since the advent of psychopharmacology in the fifties, but nary a psychiatric "disease" has been validated. All of this talk about of things "neuro-biological" and about "chemical imbalances of the brain" is about selling drugs-- "chemical balancers", which are, in fact, the first and only chemical imbalance in the previously normal, psychiatric patients' brain. In science, if not in the practice and business of medicine, the divide between psychiatry on the one hand and neurology and medicine on the other, is wholly intact. In 1994, when the DSM committee of the APA disavowed the term organic brain disorder 'because it implies that 'non-organic' mental disorders do not have a biological basis,' Houston psychiatrist, Theodore Pearlman [letter to the editor, Clinical Psychiatric News, December, 1994] wrote: "I take issue with Dr. Harold Alan Pincus' (of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Committee of the American Psychiatric Association) assertion that elimination of the term "organic" in the DSM-IV has served a useful purpose for psychiatry...Far from being of value to psychiatry, the elimination of the term "organic" conveys the impression that psychiatry wishes to conceal the nonorganic character of many behavioral problems that were, in previous DSM publications, clearly differentiated from known central nervous system diseases. Baughman [letter to the editor, Clinical Psychiatric News, December, 1994] wrote: "to contend that something is a disease when that has not been established is to fail to provide the patient with information sufficient to make an informed decision. In fact, the essential first step in all diagnosis, even in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, is to make the fundamental "Is it a disease or isn't it?" determination. This determination is usually made by physicians other than psychiatrists; usually by those referring patients to the psychiatrist (or psychologist, or other mental health professional). What psychiatrists do from that point on, is nothing, more or less, than, semantic classification, based upon subjective symptoms, alone, in patients already-proved to have no disease. The primary duty of neurologists remains to determine whether or not organic disease of the nervous system is present, and, if so, which one. Psychiatrists, have no such duty and have no biological tests to apply for the simple reason that there are no biological abnormalities in psychiatry to which to apply them. Those, who for marketing and financial reasons seek to portray the physically normal as abnormal/diseased to make "patients" of them should not be allowed to pervert any aspect of the scientific practice of medicine. ###