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Letter to Randall Kaye MD, Director-Team Leader, Pediatric Health, Pfizer Inc.

October 18, 2001

Randall Kaye, MD
Director-Team Leader, Pediatric Health
Pfizer Inc.
235 East 42nd Street
New York, NY  10017-5755

Dear Dr. Kaye,

I just received your guide, "Talking to Kids About Brain-related
Conditions," prepared by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry (AACAP), published and distributed by Pfizer.  This brochure
was created along with the exhibit: "BRAIN: The World Inside Your Head,
now at--of all places, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
This exhibit, like the brochure, was made possible by Pfizer and was
produced by BBH Inc. in collaboration with the National Institutes of

Referring to the guide/exhibit, Pfizer’s cover letter states: "It also
teaches people that brain-based diseases are like any other diseases."
The first page of the guide begins: "Understanding brain-related
conditions such as mental illnesses can be challenging for adults and
for children.  Like any other disease of the body, they can be treated."

Here, make no mistake, Pfizer, AACAP and the NIH refer to
mental/psychiatric conditions, as diseases, when none of them are.

On page 2 we read: "There are 2 kinds of brain-related conditions:
neurologic disorders and mental illness.  People usually find it easier
to understand that neurologic disorders are diseases because they can
see the symptoms.  For example, people with Parkinson’s disease might
shake or have tremors of their hands."

Here, those responsible for the guide/exhibit (Pfizer, AACAP, NIH) mean
to impart that it is easier to perceive of neurological disorders as
actual diseases than mental illnesses.  Next they say it is easier to
understand that neurological disorders are diseases because you "can see
the symptoms."  The psychiatrists of the AACAP--physicians all, know
perfectly well that symptoms are subjective and cannot be seen.  When
one sees a tremor or feels a mass in the abdomen or hears a significant
heart murmur, we speak not of symptoms but of signs, of objective
abnormalities, those which confirm the presence of disease.

You, Dr. Kaye, and all physicians (including all of the AACAP and the
NIH) know this is a misuse of the term "symptoms."  Hardly accidental.
In psychiatry/mental health there are only symptoms, only things
subjective.  In psychiatry there are no signs /objective abnormalities,
and therefore, no disease.  This wording, like the wording throughout,
is deceptive, and is contrary to science and to the ethical practice of
medicine, which demand full and true disclosure for purposes of informed

Here, it seems to me, a concerted effort is underway to erase the line
between disease and absence of disease; neurology and psychiatry (the 2
specialties were officially divided along organic/non-organic lines in
1948); abnormality and normality, chemical imbalance and chemical
balance.  Might this have something to do with selling "chemical

Page 2 continues: "Mental illnesses such as depression are more
difficult to recognize because the symptoms may not be so obvious."
Saying "mental illnesses" they mean disease.   Saying "because the
symptoms may not be so obvious" they mean, once again to confuse the
reader as to the fundamental difference between symptoms which are
subjective, and never confirmation of disease, and signs; objective
abnormalities, confirming the presence of disease.   While depression is
regularly said, by psychiatrists, to be a disease having a presumed
brain abnormality or chemical imbalance, not a single, solitary
psychiatric entity is known that has a confirming physical or chemical
abnormality anywhere in the brain or body.

ADHD expert James Swanson, Ph.D., a speaker at a the American Society
for Adolescent Psychiatry, March 7, 1998, surprised his audience with
this confession: "I would like to have an objective diagnosis for the
disorder (ADHD).  Right now psychiatric diagnosis is completely
subjective…We would like to have biological tests—a dream of psychiatry
for many years… I think we will validate it."
Swanson, and all present-day practitioners of "biological" psychiatry,
regularly tell us they will validate mental/psychiatric/psychological
disorders, as actual diseases.  Having said this, they believe they are
justified in telling patients and the public at large, that such
consensus-contrived inventions are actual brain diseases.

On page 5 we read: "We still do not know exactly what causes most mental
illness.  They appear to result from a complex interaction of any of the
following factors. Biologic factors, temperament, coping abilities,
vulnerability, family stress, environment."

Saying "…mental illness appears to result from a complex interaction of
any of the following factors," they can disavow in any particular
instance that they claimed that "biological factors" exist.  Very cute
indeed.  And, think of it, our very own National Institutes of Health
(NIH) is a party to this deception.  But this should not come as a
surprise; Surgeon General, David Satcher has been hard at work since his
December, 1999  statement on mental health, trying to get the US to
believe that all things psychiatric, emotional and behavioral are actual

Page 5 (continuing) : "Biological factors can include brain chemistry
and structure, as well as genes."  As all parties to the statement know,
not a single psychiatric/mental, illness/disorder, has been shown to
have an abnormal biological factor such as one of brain chemistry,
structure, or of the genes.

Page 7: "Some types of mental illness go away completely with treatment
and time, while others can have ongoing symptoms."  Saying "mental
illness" they mean disease and they clearly state that mental
illnesses/diseases (which they are not) go away, if at all, only with
"treatment and time."  This is as if to say being depressed, being
anxious, being panic-stricken, or being over-excited, are states that do
not go away with time alone and with besting one’s personal dilemmas.
That is exactly the impression they wish to convey, for if believed,
everyone would have to see a psychiatrist and everyone would need a
"chemical balancer," a pill.

Page 7: "For some mental illnesses, medicines can be helpful.  They work
by affecting the brain’s chemistry and function."  Saying mental
illnesses they mean diseases and they imply and state this having no
proof /signs/objective abnormalities in the patients they call
"diseased"/ "abnormal."   Saying  "They (medicines, pills) work by
affecting the brain’s chemistry and function," they would have us
believe there was an abnormality of the brain’s chemistry and function
to begin with.  There was not.  The only demonstrable abnormalities of
chemistry or function are those induced by the drugs themselves.

Page 7: "It is very important that a doctor monitor anyone who is taking
a medicine for a brain-related condition"  Saying "brain-related
condition," who among us would doubt they mean brain disease.
Again—there are none are.

Page 8: "It is very important to emphasize that brain-related conditions
are just like any other disease."   Who doubts now they are telling you
that mental/psychiatric/psychological/emotional/behavioral,
diagnoses/conditions/disorders are diseases.  They are fraudulently
saying this to you and to the parents and children of the nation, that’s
what.  And this fraud and disinformation is now an exhibit at the
Smithsonian Institute.

Page 10: "Talking with your child about brain-related
conditions—especially mental illnesses—can be difficult."  Here they
speak of mental illnesses as if they were the best known of all the
brain diseases,  better known brain/neurological diseases, perhaps, than
Parkinson’s disease.

Page 10: "Educating our children is the  first step in helping all
people understand that mental illnesses can and should be treated like
any other physical disease or condition."  The prime aim of this
exhibit/guide, there can be no doubt, is to have you believe that
mental/psychiatric/psychological conditions, entirely subjective, devoid
of the objective signs/physical & chemical abnormalities which, alone,
throughout all other medical specialties, confirm/equate with organic

All other physicians, in referring patients with
mental/psychiatric/psychologic symptoms to psychiatrists, do so only
after they have determined that no organic disease; no physical or
chemical abnormalities are present.  This is the single, most important
aspect of diagnosing a mental/psychological/psychiatric condition.  This
being the case, it is all other physicians, not psychiatrists, that
shoulder the lion’s share of responsibility for psychiatric diagnosis;
of determining that no organic disease is present, that, by process of
elimination, the patient’s symptoms must be psychogenic.

Your guide/exhibit is intent, from start to finish, not upon informing
but upon mis-informing, misleading; deceiving and violating the informed
consent rights of all Americans, starting with the children. Tragically,
the AACAP, the NIH, and the Smithsonian, who, most of all, should be
champions of the people, have joined together in an effort to deceive
the American people and to have them believe that they are
disease/ill/sick/abnormal, when they are not, so that the now-favored
constituent—Pfizer and the rest of Big Pharma can sell them
medications—medications, when there is nothing at all medically wrong
with them.

For the moment, Americans cannot imagine the deception and betrayal.


Fred A. Baughman Jr. MD
1303 Hidden Mountain Drive
ElCajon CA 92019

CC President, Am. Acad. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
CC Secretary, Dept. Health & Human Services, Tommy Thompson
CC Director, National Institutes of Health
CC Director Smithsonian Institute
CC Senator Pete Domenici
CC Senator Teddy Kennedy
CC Senator Paul Wellstone
CC Representative Christopher Shays

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