I*********@aol.com wrote: Has there been any study that proves there absolutely could not be a chemical imbalance in a person’s brain? Is it possible to disprove ADHD, in a more definite way than ADHD has been ‘proved’? C***** [Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD: Dear C*****, an… Read more »
I WILL NOT GIVE MY SON DRUGS. I WILL LEAVE THIS COUNTRY IF I MUST [Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD: Dear Mrs. B******, this terrible thing that is being spear-headed by the public schools of the nation, could not happen without the full collusion of the US Senate and… Read more »
sir: i am seeking any information on treatment ” without drugs” …
j*** m***** wrote: sir: i am seeking any information on treatment “without drugs” for the behavioral disorders add and adhd i am a father with a child diagnosed and would appreciate direction to any studies both for and against treatment with and without the use of drugs. thank you ,… Read more »
Thank you Dr Baughman, for being there, and telling us the truth…
D************** wrote: Thank you Dr Baughman, for being there, and telling us the truth. Teachers should be held responsible for their service, and not push labels on our children. On that matter, anyone involved in the billion dollar industry of the psych pills, should be charged with fraud. >It… Read more »
Thank you for all of the information. My husband and I have fought to keep our son from being labeled as ADHD…
D****** wrote: Thank you for all of the information. My husband and I have fought to keep our son from being labeled as ADHD. They even had us put him on Ritalin, Cylert and other drugs. We saw no improvement…just a drugged child. We weaned him off of these drugs… Read more »